Thursday 30 May 2013

Every Person Will Love Flavorsome Braai Recipes at Dinner

We have something for everyone in this article. South African people love nothing more than a good braai. For the beginners, this is what we call a barbeque. The food cooked on fire, chip and dip, beer and boerie. One can easily get the picture with this hint. The Afrikaans word 'barbeque' is widely used by people instead of braai. To explain it in another way, it's a social event, an outdoor grilling device, and the food prepared on that apparatus for consumption by those attending that event. A great barbeque comes from how one pack coals. If you are a fun loving person, this can bring a lot of enjoyment to your life!

The great aroma of barbeque food sizzling on the grill is a choice of all foodies as this food encourages friends and loved ones to gather. Let's share some quick and easy recipes for a casual lunch, a candle light dinner, a kid's party or celebrating any special day with relatives. Whatever the occasion you are going to celebrate, a grill in your backyard will make your place little special and memorable. It is great to serve this food at your party for varied reasons. The main reason is that braais is extremely versatile. Not only is it a versatile way to serve up a tasty meal, but it can also be healthy, and accommodating for individuals with particular dietary needs.

Dress Up Your Braai With Dinner Plates of Tasty Ingredients That Just Yell, 'Eat Me'

1: Cooking Marshmallows on the braai

Cooking time: Maximum 8-10 minutes

Preparation time: Maximum 12-15 minutes


1 large pack of marshmallows

Cold milk or 2 tots cream

Bar-one chocolates= 3

Bamboo sticks


Add all the three chocolates and cream to a medium sized iron pot and keep it over slow-medium heat. Since the pot starts heating, the chocolates and cream should heat up equally, and the chocolate will liquefy. Blend constantly until chocolates turns into a smooth sauce. Take the pot out from the fire. While the pot is made up of cast iron, so it will keep its heat and the chocolate paste hot for a while after that, place marshmallows on bamboo sticks; dip the sticks in the chocolate paste. Some braai skewered marshmallows by holding the skewer over the blazes or coal. Braaing marshmallows will teach the necessary principles of braaing.

2: Preparing Braaied Chocolate Banana Pudding

Grilling time: maximum 20 minutes

Grilling method: direct

Things you need:

Bananas = 4

Chocolate bars = 2

5ml lemon juice

Aluminum foil

250 ml whipped cream


Spray lemon juice over all bananas to prevent them to turn into brown and add a little flavor. Put the chocolate pieces into the slit of the bananas, wrap in the aluminum foil and place on the barbeque grid. Braai for about 20 minutes to make sure that both sides are well-cooked properly. Take out foil from bananas and serve hot with the whipped cream.

Choosing the suitable grill for preparing this kind of food is important because only a good grill can bring taste to the meal. Consider purchasing a suitable grill before you start cooking the food.

There are several websites supplying better quality barbecue wood and coal, some of them also offer ready-to-eat and convenient braais recipes. Visit different websites and get a complete guide on whatever you require.

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Wednesday 22 May 2013

Quality Soft Wood for Those Chilled Winters

The word softwood explains wood from confiner. It may also be used to depict trees, which tend to be evergreen, prominent exceptions being larches and bald cypress. This wood is the source of about 80% of the world's manufacture of timber, with traditional centers of manufacture being the Baltic region and North America. This wood is completely different from hardwood, and it is produced from angiosperm trees. Some hardwoods are softer than most soft woods, which the hardest hardwoods are much harder than any softwood. This is not astonishing as there are about a thousand times as many hardwoods as there are soft ones.

soft wood

People make use of this wood for a great wealth of varied applications, from the construction industry right through superior carpentry. Most wood is available far cheaper than any hardwood; that is why it has been frequently using by people nowadays. The fact that most softwoods grow quickly than any other wood may contribute to their relative cheapness, they are easier to get, and tend to have less collision on the surroundings.

These days the demand of this wood has increased due to its durability, strength, stability and affordability. In many cases, softwood is the preferred choice over other woods for these reasons. Cedar is soft wood widely used for cladding due to its durability, light weight and workability.

If anybody wanted to try this product but then finding where to buy always generates a headache for you, why not going for online shopping? For you, to resolve this problem, purchasing online will take things efficient on your side. Since there are a lot of companies supplying woods online, it is important to choose the reputed one for self satisfaction. One needs to consider the price of wood, the type of wood, and the services provided by the supplier to its clients. Macwood has a spectrum of softwoods. It is a convenient place to go if wishing to have the best quality wood.

soft wood

With the help of technology, one can also compare prices easily and saves a lot of time. Now, one don't require personally walk in every store that sells wood to inquire about the quality and prices of a product. Just type your keyword and search for the product online, send an email or call us directly for any help. Take benefit on this technological breakthrough of shopping and find superior quality softwood, Barbecue Wood, Namibian Hardwood, Barbecue Hardwood, Braai Hardwood in a trouble-free manner.

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Saturday 4 May 2013

Barbecue Recipes Makes For Perfect Barbecue

Most people have a misconception about Barbecue and often used to define something that is cooked on a grill or oven with ideally a tomato sauce as a marinade. But in reality it is not a dish. Instead, it is a cooking technique that is most commonly used by the South Africans. Gradually with the passage of time, it has now been admired by people across the world, due to the authentic wooden aroma that it adds to the food that is being baked.

barbecue recipes

Barbecuing is not the same as grilling and includes cooking of food at low temperatures for prolonged periods. Barbecue is the procedure of cooking and smoking the meat over the wood or the charcoal and is usually carried out in an outdoor environment. They remind you of that good and pleasant countryside life along with that peculiar rustic smell of the fresh air and the simplicity associated.

If you are innovative within your kitchen than you definitely can try some tricks with regards to the barbecue foods as well. Different varieties of Barbecue recipes are easily available on the web world with each one being absolutely different from other in taste. Also, there are plenty of ingredients available these days apart from the simple sausages for barbecue to add variety to the food cooked. Strawberries, pineapple, corns, honey, raspberries, mustard and veggies are just a few examples of elements that are used to add extra to the meal.

Most barbecue admirers have a personal barbecue grill and make use of it at least once in a week to savor their appetite as well as to spend quality time with their family and loved ones. It is not only that peculiar taste of the Barbecue recipes that make it simply standout but also the fun that is associated with the same that has made it the favorite cuisine of people. While the meat is being cooked, you have ample amount of time to spend leisure time with your loved ones.

If the step by step guideline for Barbeque Recipies is followed, you are sure to end up something utterly delightful on your plate, which is sure to make your relatives completely spellbound. There is no limit on the different dishes that can be prepared over a barbecue. The various spices and ingredients used in the various recipes add that tinge of unique flavor to the meat cooked, making it utterly mouthwatering. The smell of the meat cooked on to the charcoal, anglo coal product or softwood product is enough to arouse your appetite.

Whether it is the steaks, hamburgers, chickens, ribs, hotdogs and such cooked over the Barbecue, they can be very well served with salad and glass of wine. Your guests are sure to love the unique taste of the meat. Try a different recipe every time to break the boredom in your kitchen by spending some good time with your loved ones for a change from your busy modern lives. Barbecue is not only about the food but it is way beyond that.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Quality Charcoal for Your Delicious Barbecue Cooking

If you enjoy an outdoor barbecue then, there is nothing best than the charcoal barbecue. Charcoal is the most commonly used fuel for grilling and barbecuing. Food lovers often love to have their barbecue cooked over a charcoal flame as it is what induces that peculiar and authentic taste to the food being cooked. Nothing beats the aroma of the food that is cooked over a charcoal or wooden barbecue not even the so called modern gas grills. The quality of charcoal too plays a very important role in the barbecue apart from the quality of meat, ingredients used and arrangement of the grills. To enjoy a good meal one should always buy best quality charcoal for cooking.

There are specifically made barbecue grills are available in the market that makes use of the charcoal as the main source of heat generation in order to cook the meat thoroughly from inside out. The form, pattern and size of the grills may vary from place to place. Thus depending upon your requirement you can pick up a size that cat cater to your family needs. To ensure that the meat is well cooked and has that peculiar aroma, it must be cooked on low heat over supreme quality charcoals. Following the step by step guide of the barbecue meat helps you bring forth onto the table something amazing not only in looks but at the same time in taste too.


Also while, barbecuing makes sure that you do not add the charcoal lighter fluid to the already heated charcoals as they can further strengthen the heat which in turn might result into the fire that might be hazardous. This should be avoided in all situations as they can lead to unwanted and unnecessary burns and rashes. If a little care and attention is paid, one can easily cook food without getting oneself hurt or injured. Soak the charcoals beforehand only in the charcoal liquid for about 10mins to get absorbed.

Care should also be taken while igniting you barbecue wood to make sure that the meat being cooked is not burnt and is well cooked from inside out, leaving no raw corners. Place the meat only when the charcoal is well heated and appears to be white hot and ashy. Further you can serve the meal thus cooked with freshly chopped veggies or a salad. The dishes that are prepared in the similar fashion are simply mouthwatering and lend an exceptional taste in the mouth.

If what you are seeking is a place to buy charcoal than there are several vendors on the web these days that are involved in the selling of quality charcoal briquettes and other such elements that help you enjoy a beautiful meal after all the hard work and efforts that have been made by you. Charcoal is easily available in the e-stores as well as in the physical stores at cost-effective rates. They are usually stocked in a pyramid fashion. Spread out the heated charcoal evenly all around the grill to enjoy the best barbecued food ever.

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