Tuesday 26 March 2013

Firewood Increases the Flavor of Meal

Cooking with fire is fun and creates unique and delicious aromas and flavors that enhance many meals greatly. There is something primitive about fire cooking, and it’s that even in olden days the food was all cooked over an open wood fire. Determining the best firewood is essential. Not all kinds of wood are same, and all of them don’t come with the same quality. Some are better than others, but some just have definite purposes. So picking a good wood can only be done after knowing what you are scheduling to do with it. This article covers some of the best wood, especially if you plan to cook barbecue food at your fireplace.


In your fireplace, you usually need a wood that will burn long and hot. More solid woods, such as hardwoods, are great for BBQ cooking. The harder the wood, the better it is for producing more heat and ashes for a long time. These hardwoods can take more time to get lit, but once they do, the ashes they produce will be extremely hot and will catch the fire almost anything you throw afterwards. Some examples of good hardwoods, which are currently available in the marketplace, are almond, oak, apple, and hickory.

Cooking over firewood has many benefits. Barbecue cooking wood can add great smells to your grilled meals. Even for grilled food, hardwoods are a perfect option. Their sweet smoke aroma complements the food. The wood burns long and is definitely a good bbq wood, but it doesn’t have much different flavor.

Some tips to help choose the best Firewood for you:

• Softwoods burn quickly and cool, well for starting a fire, but not good for cooking.
• Ignore resinous woods, like willow and pine, for cooking.
• Wet wood burns less than dry wood, but burns longer. It is difficult to light. Usually ignore wet wood for cooking food.
• Using seasoned wood is the right option, because it is dried out completely and so it burns slowly, hot and is easier to light.
• Wood ashes and buy charcoal burns hotter than the fire of the fresh wood. Thus, for maximum heat for cooking, let a bunch of logs burn fully until they are ashes before adding meal.
• The ashes give off maximum heat than the fire. You can obtain coals quicker if you use smaller pieces of wood to begin.

You will find Firewood available at several websites online. In order to cook delicious food, find a reliable supplier of wood that offers you affordable cost along with best quality wood.


Cooking over a fire can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors, especially in winter times.


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